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How to Get Network Adapter IP Address using PowerShell

To get the network adapter IP address using PowerShell, use the Get-NetIPAddress cmdlet. The `Get-NetIPAddress` command gets the IP address configuration such as IPv4 addresses, IPv6, subnet mask, default gateway, and other information about an IP address.

In this article, we will discuss how to get the network adapter IP address using the PowerShell Get-NetIPAddress command and get the IP address for the specific network adapter.

How to Get the IP addresses for All Network Adapters on a Computer

The Get-NetIPAddress cmdlet in PowerShell can be used to get the IP addresses for all network adapters on a system.

Get-NetIPAddress | Format-Table 

In the above PowerShell script, the Get-NetIPAddress command returns a list of objects, each of which represents an IP address. Each object has properties such as Interfacealias, IPAddress, SubnetMask, DefaultGateway, etc…

PS C:\> Get-NetIPAddress | Format-Table

ifIndex IPAddress	PrefixLength PrefixOrigin SuffixOrigin AddressState                                                                                                           
------- ---------	------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------
1       ::1          	128 WellKnown    WellKnown    Preferred 
9  16 WellKnown    Link         Tentative
22   28 Manual       Manual       Preferred 
11   24 Manual       Manual       Tentative
11   16 WellKnown    Link         Tentative
12   16 WellKnown    Link         Tentative
20 16 WellKnown    Link         Tentative
5   24 Dhcp         Dhcp         Preferred
1       8 WellKnown    WellKnown    Preferred   

How to Get the IP Address for the Specific Network Adapter using PowerShell

To get the IP address for the specific network adapter named “Ethernet” using PowerShell, use the `Get-NetIPAddress` command with -InterfaceAlias parameter to specify the name network adapter name.

Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias Ethernet

The output of the above PowerShell script to find the IP address of the Ethernet network adapter is:

Get IP Address of Network Adapter in PowerShell
Get the IP Address of a Network Adapter in PowerShell

Cool Tip: How to get the network driver version using PowerShell!


I hope the above article on how to get the IP address of the network adapter using the PowerShell Get-NetIPAddress cmdlet is helpful to you.

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