Dsacls – Display and Change Permissions in the ACL
`DSACLS.exe` is a command line tool that enables administrators to view and change permissions and security attributes of Active Directory objects. It is equivalent to …
`DSACLS.exe` is a command line tool that enables administrators to view and change permissions and security attributes of Active Directory objects. It is equivalent to …
To show network adapter status using PowerShell, use the Get-NetAdapter cmdlet. The `Get-NetAdapter` command retrieves the information about network adapters in the system. It has …
To get the network adapter IP address using PowerShell, use the Get-NetIPAddress cmdlet. The `Get-NetIPAddress` command gets the IP address configuration such as IPv4 addresses, …
To get the network adapter driver version using PowerShell, use the Get-NetAdapter cmdlet. The `Get-NetAdapter` command retrieves all the physical and virtual network adapter information. …
Global Assembly Cache (GAC) in the .NET Framework is a repository that stores and manages shared assemblies. Registering a DLL ( Dynamic Link Library) in …
What is rDirectory? rDirectory is a web-based directory service that allows organizations to manage their users, groups, and resources. It provides instant Active Directory search …
Internet Information Services (IIS) is a web server developed by Microsoft. It is used to host websites and web applications on Windows servers. Knowing the …
`ADModify` is an Active Directory Tool used for making bulk changes to Active Directory Attributes. For example, if you want to change the logon script …
The Active Directory Schema is the component that defines all the objects and attributes that are used to store data. It is a blueprint for …
Active Directory Editor Interface (ADSI Edit) is a Light Access editor (LDAP) editor that you can use to manage objects and attributes in Active Directory. …