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How to Add New Line in PowerShell

In PowerShell, you can use the Write-Host cmdlet, the echo command, or the Write-Output cmdlet to add a new line.

The following methods show how you can do it with syntax.

Method 1: Using Write-Host

Write-Host "This is line 1"
Write-Host "This is line 2"

This example will print the output on a new line.

Method 2: Using the Write-Host with backticks (`)

Write-Host "This is line 1"`n"This is line 2"

This example will write the output on the new line.

Method 3: Using the Echo command

echo "This is line 1"
echo "This is line 2"

This example will echo the output on the new line.

Method 4: Using the Write-Output

Write-Output "This is line 1"
Write-Output "This is line 2"

This example will print the output on new lines.

The following examples show how you can use these methods.

How to use Write-Host Cmdlet in PowerShell to Add a New Line

The following PowerShell script shows how you can do it.

Write-Host "This is line 1"
Write-Host "This is line 2"


This is line 1
This is line 2

In this PowerShell script, the Write-Host cmdlet prints each line on a separate line.

How to Use Write-Host with Backticks in PowerShell to Add a New Line

You can use the Write-Host cmdlet with the backticks (`) to add a new line in PowerShell.

Write-Host "This is line 1"`n"This is line 2"


This is line 1
This is line 2

In the script, the Write-Host cmdlet uses the backtick (`n) character as an escape sequence within a string. It adds a new line in PowerShell.

How to Use Echo Command to Add a New Line in PowerShell

You can also use the echo command to add a new line in PowerShell.

echo "This is echo command"
echo "It is used to echo the output on the terminal"


This is echo command
It is used to echo the output on the terminal

In this script, the echo command in PowerShell is used to add a new line.

How to Use Write-Output to Add a New Line in PowerShell

Another way to add a new line in PowerShell is to use the Write-Output cmdlet.

The Write-Output is an implicit command, which means that when you output a value, it is automatically sent to the Write-Output cmdlet.

Write-Output "This is line 1"
Write-Output "This is line 2"


This is line1
This is line2

In this script, the Write-Output cmdlet prints the output in new lines.

You can also use the new line escape character ( `n) to add a new line in PowerShell.

Write-Output "This is Line1`nThis is Line2"


This is Line1
This is Line2


I hope the above article on adding a new line in PowerShell is helpful to you.

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