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How to Escape $ in String in PowerShell

In PowerShell, there are several ways to escape the dollar sign ($) in a string, including using the backtick character (`) or enclosing the string in single quotes.

The following methods show how you can do it with syntax.

Method 1: Using backticks to escape $ in string

$string = "The total price is `$1000."

Write-Output $string

This example will use the backtick character (`) to escape dollar sign ($) in a string.

Method 2: Using single quotes

$string = 'The total price is $1000.'
Write-Output $string

In this example, the string is enclosed in a single quote and does not need to escape the dollar sign ($) in a string.

The following examples show how you can use these methods.

Using Backticks to Escape Dollar Sign ($) in String

The backtick character (`) can be used to escape the dollar sign ($) in a string.

# define a string that includes dollar sign ($) within it
$string = "The total price is `$1000."

# Outputs the string
Write-Output $string


The total price is $1000.

In this example, the $string variable contains a string enclosed in double quotes that includes the dollar sign ($).

To escape the dollar sign ($) in a string, you can use the backtick character (`) before the dollar sign.

Finally, the Write-Output cmdlet outputs the string.

Using Single Quotes to Escape $ sign

The single quotes in PowerShell treat everything inside as a literal string, hence we don’t need to escape the dollar sign ($).

# define a string enclosed in single quotes and includes dollar sign
$string = 'The total price is $1000.'
Write-Output $string


The total price is $1000.

In this example, the $string variable contains a string enclosed in a single quote and includes the dollar sign ($) within it.

In PowerShell, everything inside the single quote is treated as a literal string.

Finally, the Write-Output cmdlet outputs the string.


I hope the above article on escaping the dollar sign ($) in PowerShell is helpful to you.

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