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How to Get Date Without Time In PowerShell

To get a date without Time in PowerShell, you can use the Get-Date cmdlet with the custom format string.

There are multiple ways, you can get a date without time in PowerShell, the following method shows how you can do it.

Method 1: Using Get-Date cmdlet with custom format

Get-Date -Format "dd-MM-yyyy"

This will output the current date without time in the format “dd-MM-yyyy“.

Method 2: Using the [DateTime] class with the ToString() method


This will output the current date without time in the format “dd-MM-yyyy“.

Method 3: Using the Get-Date and ToString with a custom format


This will output the date without the time component.

The following examples show how you can use these methods with syntax.

Using Get-Date with Format Property

The following PowerShell script shows how you can use the Get-Date cmdlet with the format property to get a date without time.

Get-Date -Format "dd-MM-yyyy"



In this script, the Get-Date cmdlet in PowerShell uses the -Format property to specify the date format “dd-MM-yyyy“.

After running the script, it will output the current date without the time.

Using [DateTime]::Today to Get Date Without Time

You can use the [DateTime]::Today to get the date without the time component. The following example shows how you can do it with syntax.




In this PowerShell script, the [DateTime].Today returns the current date. It uses the ToString() method to specify the custom format (“dd-MM-yyyy”) to get the date without time.

After running the script, it will output the date in the format of “dd-MM-yyyy” without a time component.

Using the Get-Date and ToString Method

Another way to get a date without time is by using the Get-Date cmdlet in PowerShell with the ToString() method to specify the format.




The above PowerShell script displays the current date without time.


I hope the above article on getting the date without time in PowerShell is helpful to you.

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