Home » How to Rename Files in PowerShell Using Rename-Item

How to Rename Files in PowerShell Using Rename-Item

PowerShell has a built-in cmdlet Rename-Item that allows you to rename files, directories, or other items in a file system or registry.

You can use any of the following methods to rename files in the PowerShell.

Method 1: Rename files in PowerShell

Rename-Item -Path "C:\temp\log.txt", -NewName "log_daily.txt"

This example renames the file log.txt to log_daily.txt.

Method 2: Rename multiple files in PowerShell

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\temp\log\*.txt" | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Name -replace '.txt','.log'}

This example gets all the files in the log folder with the *.txt file extension and pipes to the Rename-Item. The Rename-Item cmdlet renames multiple files with the extension .txt to .log using the -NewName parameter.

Method 3: Rename hidden and read-only files in PowerShell

These methods can be used to rename files in PowerShell using the Rename-Item cmdlet.

The following examples show how to use each one of the methods.

Rename File in PowerShell Using Rename-Item

To rename a file in PowerShell, you can use the Rename-Item cmdlet. It changes the name of the specified file.

The following example shows how to do it with syntax.

# Rename file name
Rename-Item -Path "C:\temp\log\log.txt" -NewName "log_daily.txt"

# Retrieve the files in the given folder
Get-ChildItem -Path C:\temp\log\
PowerShell rename file with rename-item
PowerShell rename a file with rename-item

This PowerShell script renames the file name log.txt to log_daily.txt. The -Path parameter specifies the current file that you want to rename and the -NewName parameter specifies the new name you want to give to the file.

Note that, the Rename-Item cmdlet doesn’t affect the content of the item being renamed.

Rename Multiple Files in PowerShell Using Rename-Item

To rename multiple files in PowerShell with the given extension, use the Rename-Item cmdlet. The Get-ChildItem cmdlet can be used to retrieve the list of all files that you want to rename.

The following example shows how to do it with syntax.

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\temp\log\*.txt"

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\temp\log\*.txt" | Rename-Item -NewName {$_.Name -replace '.txt','.log'}

Get-ChildItem -Path "C:\temp\log\*.log"
PowerShell rename multiple files with extension using Rename-Item
PowerShell renames multiple files with extension using Rename-Item

The output of the above PowerShell script shows the multiple files in a folder having a .txt file extension renamed to a .log file extension.

The Get-ChildItem cmdlet gets all the files in the specified folder and pipes them to the Rename-Item command.

The Rename-Item command uses the -NewName parameter to rename multiple files with an extension to another extension using the -replace operator.

Rename Hidden and Read-Only Files in PowerShell Using Rename-Item

To rename hidden and read-only files in PowerShell, you can use the Rename-Item cmdlet with the -Force parameter. This parameter allows you to rename items forcefully.

The following example shows how to do it with syntax.

Rename-Item -Path "C:\temp\log\paywall.txt" -NewName paywall.log -Force

In this PowerShell script, the Rename-Item cmdlet renames the file specified at location C:\temp\log\paywall.txt to the new name paywall.log.

The Rename-Item cmdlet uses the -NewName parameter to specify the name for the file and the -Force parameter to force the cmdlet to rename the file, even if it’s hidden or read-only.


I hope the above article on how to rename files in PowerShell with the Rename-Item cmdlet is helpful to you.

The Rename-Item command renames the file name or its extension in a file system or registry. It doesn’t change the content of the file while renaming it.

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