Home ยป How to Remove Duplicates from Array in PowerShell

How to Remove Duplicates from Array in PowerShell

PowerShell offers various methods to remove duplicates from an array.

Method 1: Use the Select-Object -Unique to remove duplicate items from an array

$uniqueArray = $array | Select-Object -Unique

This example returns the unique array after removing the duplicate elements from an array in PowerShell.

Method 2: Use the Sort-Object -Unique to remove duplicate items from an array

$uniqueArray = $array | Sort-Object -Unique

This example will remove the duplicate items while sorting the array.

Method 3: Use the Get-Unique to get a unique array

$sortedArray = $array | Sort-Object
$uniqueArray = $sortedArray | Get-Unique

This example uses the Get-Unique cmdlet to eliminate duplicates in a sorted array.

All of these methods in PowerShell remove the duplicates from an array.

The following examples show how to use each one of these methods.

Use the Select-Object -Unique to Remove Duplicate Items From an Array

To remove duplicates from an array in PowerShell, you can use the Select-Object cmdlet with the -Unique parameter.

The following example shows how to use it with syntax.

$languages = @('PowerShell','Java','Python','PowerShell','Python','JS')
$uniqueArray = $languages | Select-Object -Unique



The output shows the duplicate items have been deleted from the array.

Use the Sort-Object -Unique to Remove Duplicate From an Array

Another way to remove duplicates from an array is by using the Sort-Object cmdlet with the -Unique parameter. It removes the duplicates while sorting the array.

The following example shows how to use it with syntax.

$languages = @('PowerShell','Java','Python','PowerShell','Python','JS')
$uniqueArray = $languages | Sort-Object -Unique

The output of the above PowerShell script is given below.


Note that the array element is sorted and duplicate elements have been removed from an array.

Use the Get-Unique to Get Unique Array

The Get-Unique cmdlet in PowerShell is used to eliminate duplicates in an array or sorted list and returns a unique array.

The following example shows how to use it with syntax.

$languages = @('PowerShell','Java','Python','PowerShell','Python','JS')
$sortedArray = $languages | Sort-Object
$uniqueArray = $sortedArray | Get-Unique



This example returns the sorted unique array elements.


I hope the above article on how to remove duplicates from an array in PowerShell is helpful to you.

In most cases, the Select-Object -Unique should be sufficient to remove duplicates from arrays in PowerShell.

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