PowerShell Strings

A string in PowerShell is a sequence of characters enclosed within a single quote (`’`) or double quotes (`”`). Strings can contain alphanumeric characters, symbols, …

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PowerShell Scopes

In PowerShell, a scope refers to the context in which script elements such as variables, functions, aliases, and modules are defined and accessed. Scopes defines …

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PowerShell Functions

A function in PowerShell is a block of code that performs a specific task or return a value. Functions allow you to divide your code …

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PowerShell Arrays

PowerShell arrays is a data structure providing a structured way to store and manipulate collections of items. These items can be of the same type …

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PowerShell Switch Statement

The Switch statement in PowerShell provides an approach to evaluate a variable or expression against multiple possible values, executing different code blocks based on the …

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PowerShell If-Else Statement

The if-else statement in PowerShell provides a mechanism to implement conditional logic, control the flow of execution based on the specified condition evaluates to true …

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