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PowerShell Where-Object with Examples

The Where-Object cmdlet is a built-in PowerShell command that selects objects based on specified criteria. It allows you to include or exclude objects from a pipeline based on the values of their properties.

The following examples show how to use the Where-Object cmdlet in PowerShell.

Filtering by Value

The following PowerShell script shows how to use the Where-Object to filter the processes by service status ( Stopped or Running).

Get-Service | Where-Object { $_.Status -eq "Stopped" }

# OR you can use the below script to get stopped services

Get-Service | Where-Object Status -eq "Stopped"


Powershell Where-Object Filter by Value
Powershell Where-Object Filter by Value

In this PowerShell script, the Get-Service gets all the processes on the system and pipes them to the Where-Object cmdlet.

The Where-Object command uses the filter condition to get all stopped services.

Where-Object with Multiple Conditions

You can filter the results on multiple conditions using logical operators like -and, -or and -not.

Get-Service | Where-Object { ($_.Status -eq "Stopped") -and ($_.StartType -eq "Automatic")}


Powershell Where-Object Filter by Multiple Values
Powershell Where-Object Filter by Multiple Values

In this PowerShell script, the Get-Service cmdlet gets all the services and pipes them to the Where-Object cmdlet.

The Where-Object command uses multiple conditions using the logical operator -and to filter the results.

Finally, after running the script, it returns the list of all stopped services, and the start type is set to automatic.

Where-Object with -Like

You can filter the results by using the -like operator for pattern matching with the Where-Object.

 Get-Service | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "M*"}


Powershell Where-Object Filter by Pattern Matching
Powershell Where-Object Filter by Pattern Matching

In this PowerShell example, the Get-Service gets all the processes and pipes them to the Where-Object cmdlet.

The Where-Object command uses the -like operator to filter the service name to get only those starting with the letter “M“.

The -like operator is used for pattern matching with wildcards (*).

Using Where-Object to Filter Dates Greater Than

You can use the Where-Object cmdlet in PowerShell to filter event log entries based on a date greater than a specified date.

Use Where-Object to filter dates greater than a specific date
$filteredEvents = Get-WinEvent -LogName "System" | Where-Object {$_.TimeCreated -gt "5/22/2024"}

# Output the filtered files


Powershell where-object date greater than
Powershell where-object date greater than

In this example, the Get-WinEvent cmdlet retrieves event log entries from the specified -LogName, which in this case is the System log.

We then use the Where-Object cmdlet to filter event log entries comparing each entry’s TimeCreated property to the specified date. The -gt operator checks if the TimeCreated property is greater than the provided date.


I hope the above article on filtering the objects in PowerShell using the Where-Object cmdlet is helpful to you.

The Where-Object cmdlet allows you to specify the conditions and filter objects based on their properties, conditions, pattern matching, and nested property access.

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