To list directories within a directory using PowerShell, you can use the Get-ChildItem cmdlet with the -Directory parameter.
You can use the following method to list directories (folders) in a directory.
Method 1: List directories within a directory using PowerShell
# specify the path to the directory you want to list
$directoryPath = "C:\temp\log"
# List the directories in the specified directory
Get-ChildItem -Path $directoryPath -Directory
This example returns the list of directories within a directory.
The following example shows how to do it with syntax.
List Directories Using PowerShell
To list directories (folder) within a directory, you can use the Get-ChildItem cmdlet along with its -Directory parameter. You can also use Get-ChildItem cmdlet aliases such as ls or dir.
The following example shows how to do it.
# specify the path to the directory you want to list $directoryPath = "C:\temp\log" # List the directories in the specified directory Get-ChildItem -Path $directoryPath -Directory # List the directories using ls ls -Path $directoryPath -Directory # List the directories using dir dir -Path $directoryPath -Directory

In this example, the Get-ChildItem cmdlet uses the -Path parameter to specify the directory path $directoryPath. It lists only directories using the -Directory parameter.
You can also use the Get-ChildItem cmdlet aliases ls or dir to list only directories in a specified directory.
I hope the above article on listing directories using PowerShell is helpful to you.
You can find more topics about Active Directory tools and PowerShell basics on the ActiveDirectoryTools home page.