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How to Replace Double Quotes in String in PowerShell

You can use replace double quotes in a string in PowerShell using the -replace operator or the Replace() method.

Method 1: Using the -replace Operator to replace double quotes in a string

$new_string = $original_string -replace '"', $replacement_string

Method 2: Using the Replace() method to replace double quotes in a string

$new_string = $original_string.Replace('"', $replacement_string

Both of these method replaces the double quotes in a string using the $replacement_string and store the result in $new_string.

The following example demonstrates how to use these methods to replace double quotes in a string.

Using the -replace Operator to Replace Double Quotes in a String

The -replace operator in PowerShell replaces the double quotes with the provided $replacement_string value in a string.

# Define the original string
$original_string = "Adam replied, ""Hello there!"""

# Define the replacement string
$replacement_string = ''

# Replace double quotes with the replacement string
$new_string = $original_string -replace '"', $replacement_string

# Output the modified string
Write-Output $new_string

In this example, $original_string variable stores the string that contains the double quotes (). We have defined the $replacement_string as a blank. Using the -replace operator, it replaces the double quotes in a string with the $replacement_string.

Finally, the modified string is output using the Write-Output cmdlet.

PowerShell replace double quotes in a string using replace operator
PowerShell replace double quotes in a string using the -replace operator

You can also replace double quotes with single quotes in a string in PowerShell.

# Define the original string
$original_string = "Adam replied, ""Hello there!"""

# Replace double quotes with the replacement string
$new_string = $original_string -replace '"', ''''

# Output the modified string
Write-Output $new_string

The output of the above PowerShell script is given below:

Adam replied, 'Hello there!'

Using the Replace() Method to Replace Double Quotes in a String

The Replace() method is the simplest method to replace double quotes in a string. It matches the double quotes in a string and replaces it with the provided replacement string.

The following PowerShell script demonstrates the practical use of the Replace() method.

# Define the original string
$original_string = "Adam replied, ""Hello there!"""

# Define the replacement string
$replacement_string = ''

# Replace double quotes with the replacement string
$new_string = $original_string.Replace('"', $replacement_string)

# Output the modified string
Write-Output $new_string

The output of the above script is given below.

PowerShell replace double quotes in a string using Replace() method
PowerShell replace double quotes in a string using the Replace() method


I hope the above article on how to use -replace operator and Replace() method to replace double quotes in a string in PowerShell is helpful to you.

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